Taylor Sanders, an artist that resides in Louisville, Kentucky, studied at Spalding University
earning a BFA degree in Interdisciplinary Sculpture with a minor in African American Studies.
She is the creator and president of The Care Project Louisville and she also teaches Children’s
Fine Arts Classes (CFAC) for Louisville Visual Art (LVA) along with being the Marketing and
Outreach Coordinator for LVA as well.
With no specific medium, her main focus is integrating found three-dimensional objects with
multiple sculptural processes, techniques and materials while addressing relevant topics in
history and in today’s society. She expresses the importance of not only being creative but also
being active in the community.
The purpose of her work is to confront racial and social issues through appropriated everyday
items with installation. These research-based installations and sculptures are reflecting upon
current and historical issues. By using material culture to make connections between slavery,
the Jim Crow era, the Civil Rights movement, mass incarceration and other contemporary social
issues, the goal is to raise awareness and encourage viewers to reconsider their personal views
and connections to these events.
︎ @Sculptingme_
︎ Tay3sand@gmail.com
For more information & to donate:
︎︎︎The Care Project Louisville
︎︎︎LVA’s Children Fine Arts Classes