The Care Project Louisville is a community organization dedicated to giving back to Louisville neighborhoods. We host Care Days where we directly give back all donations to Louisville families. Our objective is to provide resources and assistance to anyone in need. 


What is Care Day?
Care Day is a reoccurring event where The Care Project Team finds different ways to provide support to Louisville neighborhoods and families. Care Day themes and assistance vary upon season, current events or locations. Generally each Care Day is different but the dedication of providing support is the same. For example we’ve hosted,
Back-to-school giveaways, weather disaster support, Christmas/holiday support, food pantries and cookouts etc. 

Our goal is to continue to grow as a team and expand the amount of support we can provide. We also strive to host more frequent and consistent Care Days.
Creating support for Louisville neighborhoods and families is our mission.


Currently accepting donations through:

Please contact us if you have food, toiletries or clothing etc. that you would like to donate for the next Care Day.

All donations go directly to Care Days, which provides assitance to Louisville families. We are currently in the process of gaining our non-profit 501C3 organization status. 


We are always in need of volunteers! 
Care Days are always fun and heartwarming. Please contact us if you want to join our team! 

Can we collaborate? 
We would love to collaborate with your organization or group! We want to continue to grow while creating alliances and partnerships to better serve Louisville neighborhoods. Let us know how we can help! 

Photos of different Care Days and Care Day fundraisers between April 2021-current

Follow/contact us on Social Media:

︎ @thecareprojectlou
︎ The Care Project Louisville 

Contact via Email: 


Photo: Taylor Sanders (Creator & President) setting up for Care Day food and toiletries drive